Sunday 1 April 2012

Making Plans

"When are you off on your boat?" Seems like everyone's saying it, as though they can't wait to get rid of us. "Nice boating weather!" (true). "Bet you can't wait to get away!" (also true). "Thought you'd retired" (sort of true).

And then, just when it all seems to be coming together, Carol Kirkwood informs us (smile as bright as ever) that we're in for snow storms and freezing nights, as Mediterranean March moves off into the sunset. So, do we provide Erin Mae with the comforting warmth of our presence, or do we delay just a little longer in the balmy south? Will it be Tuesday? It was meant to be Friday until my best beloved had a youth club meeting she really needed to be at, and then Saturday until it transpired she'd arranged for lunch on Monday with a friend she hadn't seen in ages! But Tuesday's looking wet and cold and Wednesday not much better. Perhaps Thursday…

Meanwhile, we still haven't really quite worked out what we're doing with the garden while we're cruising. And the IT work has been going really well but isn't finished.

Sometimes you just have to get on and do it! Work it out as you go along. Like the locker covers and that paint job I know are waiting for my attention, but which I'm not quite sure how to do. Sounds a bit like my life!


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