Saturday 26 May 2012

The unexpected

Mo left a comment yesterday about the unexpected. Today I unexpectedly found myself on the side of the Iron lock at Beeston, with Erin Mae's centre line in my hand to steady her (following the instructions on the board) only to find, once the lock had emptied, that there was no ladder to climb back down. Pulling her through was the only option, but I was on the side away from the tow-path, with nowhere to go below the lock, and no simple way of taking the rope to the other side – it wasn't long enough. It needed help from some friendly fellow-boaters to pass and catch the rope as we manoeuvred the boat. If my best beloved and I been on our own, the only option might have been to re-fill the lock and start again – criminal waste of water. I have enormous admiration for single boaters who mostly manage these things without fuss.

Metaphor for the help we all need, really. Mo had also commented earlier about a friend of theirs with cancer they are supporting through a difficult phase. We don't always know what to expect. It's always good to have someone to share it with.


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